Laser Treatments

Whether you’re looking to exfoliate damaged or aged skin, treat imperfections, or remove blemishes, our laser treatments deliver incredible results.

Laser Treatments

Whether you’re looking to exfoliate damaged or aged skin, treat imperfections, or remove blemishes, our laser treatments deliver incredible results.

At Deseret Dermatology, we understand that sometimes, your skin needs more than just topical treatments or non-invasive procedures to achieve the results you desire. That’s where our expert skin surgery services come into play. Dr. Barlow and his team specialize in a wide range of surgical solutions designed to address many skin conditions and concerns.

Rediscover Radiant, Youthful Skin

As leaders in dermatological care, we use state-of-the-art technology to address a variety of skin concerns, ensuring you experience optimal results and a renewed sense of confidence. Deseret Dermatology uses the Venus Erbium laser, which is ideal for facial resurfacing and scar reduction. This ablative laser removes several layers of skin to reveal fresh, healthy skin while also stimulating collagen production. The Venus laser peel can diminish fine lines, minimize the visibility of pores, enhance the evenness of skin tone and texture, and reduce hyperpigmentation in suitable individuals.

Discover the Power of Laser Treatments at Deseret Dermatology

Dr. Barlow and his medical staff will guide you through every step of your laser treatment journey. We prioritize your safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the process, from the initial consultation to post-treatment care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and launch your path to smooth, revitalized skin.


Laser skin treatments are cosmetic procedures that use concentrated beams of light to target and treat various skin issues. They work by delivering controlled energy to specific layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production, or targeting pigment, blood vessels, or other skin structures to address concerns like wrinkles, scars, or discoloration.

Laser treatments can effectively address a range of skin concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, age spots, acne scars, birthmarks, vascular issues (like broken blood vessels or rosacea), and uneven skin texture. They can also promote overall skin rejuvenation.

Laser treatments are generally safe when performed by trained professionals. However, side effects can include temporary redness, swelling, itching, and in some cases, changes in skin color. The risk of side effects varies depending on the type of laser and individual skin type. It’s crucial to follow post-treatment care instructions and protect your skin from the sun.

The number of sessions required and the time it takes to see results depend on the specific laser treatment and the skin concern being addressed. Some treatments may yield visible improvements within days, while others may take several weeks or multiple sessions.

Deseret Dermatology performs laser treatment therapy for patients throughout Saratoga Springs, Lehi, American Fork, Eagle Mountain, Draper, Bluffdale, South Jordan, and Riverton, Utah.

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