Chemical Peels

Whether you’re dealing with acne scars, sun damage, fine lines, or uneven skin tone, our customized chemical peel treatments can address a wide range of skin concerns.

Chemical Peels

Whether you’re dealing with acne scars, sun damage, fine lines, or uneven skin tone, our customized chemical peel treatments can address a wide range of skin concerns.

At Deseret Dermatology, we understand that sometimes, your skin needs more than just topical treatments or non-invasive procedures to achieve the results you desire. That’s where our expert skin surgery services come into play. Dr. Barlow and his team specialize in a wide range of surgical solutions designed to address many skin conditions and concerns.

Why Choose Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels have long been recognized as a powerful and versatile solution for improving the overall quality of your skin. The procedure involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate and remove the outermost layer, which is often damaged or showing signs of aging.

Deseret Dermatology can perform chemical peels using various exfoliating acids to help you get the beautiful results you want:

  • Salicylic acid peels incorporate a beta hydroxy acid (BHA), work wonders for acne-prone skin as they not only exfoliate but also remove and reduce excess sebum. ​
  • Glycolic acid peels contain an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which gently exfoliates the skin’s surface while retaining moisture, making them effective for fine lines, uneven skin tone, and mild imperfections. ​
  • TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels are medium-depth peels that treat moderate wrinkles, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation issues. ​

Deseret Dermatology offers the Glymed+ brand of peels, and we adapt our chemical peel treatments to your specific needs and concerns.

Schedule a Consultation to Reveal Younger, Smoother Skin

At Deseret Dermatology, we are committed to providing safe, effective chemical peel treatments tailored to your needs. Our experienced team will guide you through every step of the process to ensure you achieve the vibrant, youthful skin you desire.

Chemical Peel FAQs

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove damaged outer layers. This process stimulates skin renewal, leading to smoother, more youthful-looking skin. Different types of chemical peels vary in strength and depth of penetration.

Chemical peels are used to improve a variety of skin issues, including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and age spots. They can also help with conditions like melasma and actinic keratosis.

When performed by a trained professional, chemical peels are generally safe. However, side effects can include temporary redness, swelling, peeling, and, in some cases, changes in skin color. The risk of complications is higher with deeper peels, so it’s essential to follow post-treatment care instructions and protect your skin from the sun.

The timeframe for seeing results can vary based on the type of peel. Superficial peels may yield visible improvements within a week, while deeper peels may take several weeks. The number of sessions needed depends on your specific skin concerns and the depth of the peel. A series of treatments may be required for optimal results, and maintenance sessions are often recommended to sustain the benefits.

Deseret Dermatology offers chemical peels for patients throughout Saratoga Springs, Lehi, American Fork, Eagle Mountain, Draper, Bluffdale, South Jordan, and Riverton, Utah.

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